- A savings account with no minimum deposit makes you a member
- No monthly maintenance fees
- Earned dividends based on balance
建立一个没有存款的储蓄账户使你成为十大可靠彩票平台的成员和合伙人. 该账户为您提供了一个储蓄和经济增长的机会. 这是一种分层储蓄账户,根据你账户中的余额支付股息.
货币市场 Yield Account
如果你想最大化你的收入,同时在你需要的时候获得资金,货币市场账户是一个很好的选择. 这是一个分层账户,根据你的存款余额支付股息. There are no penalties for withdrawing.
A certificate of deposit, also known as a CD, 对于那些在一段时间内寻求稳定和本金保护的人来说,这是一项有效的投资吗. 定期存单是一种联邦保险储蓄账户,提供固定利率,通常高于储蓄或货币市场账户. 因为它有固定期限,任何在到期日之前取款都会产生罚款. 如果你对你的钱没有立即的计划,并且你正在寻找一个有保证的投资回报率,那么cd是最好的选择.
Custodial Youth 储蓄 Accounts
- Coverdell教育储蓄账户或证书:用于教育储蓄的延税账户
- 未成年人统一转账账户:帮助未成年人建立储蓄的托管账户. Click here (PDF) for an application.
Retirement Accounts
It is never too early to start planning 和 saving for your future. 十大彩票游戏平台可以帮助您建立储备金,这样您就可以走上一条财务稳定的退休之路.
We offer both Traditional IRA savings 和 Roth IRA savings. Traditional IRA savings, 在大多数情况下, will allow you to make pre-tax contributions, 这意味着当你向IRA存钱时,你可以从你的应税收入中扣除这笔钱,作为回报, pay fewer taxes for the year. 如果你现在不需要减税,更喜欢退休后的免税提款,那么罗斯个人退休账户可能是适合你的. IRA certificates are available in both Traditional 和 Roth, 和, like our regular certificates, come with term options that pay higher dividends for longer terms.
给十大彩票游戏平台的年轻人一个坚实的财务基础,并通过青年储蓄和支票账户教他们理财技能,越早越好. We offer products, 服务, 以及教育年轻人为未来存钱的重要性的项目. Our Youth Account features:
- No monthly maintenance fees
- No minimum monthly balance requirements
- Immediate dividend earnings
- Youth seminars 和 events
- 时事通讯
- Access to online 和 mobile banking
- Product 和 Services
- 6 - 12岁 (储蓄, 货币市场 和 Certificate accounts)
- 年龄13 - 17 (储蓄, 货币市场 和 Certificate accounts)
- 检查 account (Free overdraft transfer protection)
- Visa debit card available
- Online bill payments (Internal 和 External Transfers)
The st和ard share insurance amount is $250,000 per share owner, per insured credit union, for each account ownership category. 250美元的,通过2010年的多德-弗兰克华尔街改革和消费者保护法案,2000万美元的标准股票保险账户成为永久性的.
The NCUA Share Insurance Estimator
NCUA电子股份保险估算器可帮助会员更好地了解国家信用合作社股份保险基金(NCUSIF)提供的保障。. 这个交互式网站允许用户输入数据来计算不同帐户方案下可用的NCUSIF覆盖率. This resource is available at http://www.mycreditunion.gov/estimator/Pages/default.aspx
定期储蓄 & 货币市场 Yield
量 | 年* |
100美元(分钟) | 0.015% |
2500美元(分钟) | 0.015% |
20000美元(分钟) | 0.015% |
50000美元(分钟) | 0.025% |
80000美元(分钟) | 0.025% |
量 | 年* |
2500美元(分钟) | 0.100% |
20000美元(分钟) | 0.15% |
50000美元(分钟) | 0.351% |
80000美元(分钟) | 0.501% |
量 | 年* |
爱尔兰共和军的储蓄 | 0.150% |
*APY= Annual Percentage Yield. 价格以2019年8月1日为准,开户后可能有变动. Fees may reduce earnings. 虽然已尽一切努力确保本网站包含有关费率和其他条款的准确和最新信息, 可能会出现错误. 所报利率可能由十大可靠彩票平台修正和更改.
储蓄 accounts are designed to help consumers save. 根据联邦法律,你每个月可以从储蓄产品中提取或转账六(6)次. If you exceed the number of allowed withdrawals 和 transfers, the credit union will charge an Excess Activity Fee.
Yes, your savings routing number is the same as for your checking. San Francisco Federal Credit Union’s routing number is 321076441. 直接存款可以进入你的储蓄账户,这是一种建立储蓄的好方法.
Our savings products do not allow for check writing. 你可以开一个支票账户,可以无限制地写支票.
The regular savings use the formula: Daily Balance method. 每天你在期末余额上赚取利息,所赚取的利息加起来, not compounded paid out at the end of the month.
When you open your CD with us, 您将有机会在定期存单到期日安排存款. If you do not make arrangements then, 定期存单到期后有10天的宽限期,在此期间你可以将余额转到新定期存单上, add funds to the account or reduce the balance. 您也可以将资金转移到其他账户或关闭账户而不会受到处罚.
If you want to roll over your balance to a new CD, 请联络十大彩票游戏平台查询最新股息率及年度百分比收益率(APY),并讨论期限选择. We can be reached during regular business hours at 415-775-5377.
We recommend that you consult your attorney, 注册会计师, or financial advisor on what investment options are best for you.
十大彩票游戏平台 for more information or call 415-775-5377